Conditional Formatting (CF) is like all Excel features, it's limited only by your imagination. There are so many things it can do and it provides so much flexibility for formatting. Just remember, when it comes to CF... If your condition evaluates as TRUE, then your custom formatting will be applied. In this first lesson, we'll stick to the basics and use the "built-in" CF.
00:47 With data analysis, you want to draw attention to significant data and not waste time on items that are insignificant. Conditional Formatting is perfect for this, and Excel has some of these conditions already built-in, such as Greater than, Less than, and Equal to. I find it easiest to use Excel's built-in button and then edit the formatting later. Try it out, and see what's best for you!
02:50 Need to adjust your formatting? Pop into this window and adjust the formatting as needed?
03:45 More built-in conditions that Excel can set up with just one click. With these conditions, you can specify exactly how many items you want formatted (top ten, bottom five, etc). It's super simple to set up - try it out.
06:00 These built-in conditions are pretty cool. They breathe life into your spreadsheet and make them more intriguing. They are simple to set up, requiring just a few clicks of the mouse. Then, go back and "manage"/edit your conditional formatting to customize your look. Note that for these formats, you can remove the values and display only the formatting... cool.