First start with a simple If() statement. Then, add additional formulas to get more realistic business use answers.
00:50 The If() function: if THIS then THAT1 else THAT2. Think of this as a fork in the road. If() the route to the left is shorter, you go left, no? This logic formula is super powerful, especially when applied to thousands of rows of data. Check out the video or GIF for specific examples.
03:45 The And() function looks for all logic tests to be true to, therefore, return a TRUE value. Each logic test utilizes comparison operators, such as: <,>,=,<>, to compare two numbers or two text strings against each other and return an overall TRUE or FALSE answer. If ANY of the logic tests are FALSE, then the whole And() statement returns FALSE. Since the first argument of the If() function is looking for a 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' value, this is a perfect function to combine it with. Check out the example in the video.
06:37 The Or() function is similar to the And() function, EXCEPT that it is looking for at least ONE logic test to be true to return a TRUE value. Each logic test utilizes comparison operators, such as: <,>,=,<>, to compare two numbers or two text strings against each other and return an overall TRUE or FALSE answer. Since the first argument of the If() function is looking for a 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' value, this is a perfect function to combine with it. Check out the example in the video.
08:58 The Not() function has one argument, 'Logical'. It just looks for a TRUE or FALSE answer, and the return value will be OPPOSITE of the logical TRUE/FALSE value included as the argument. For example, if you included a logical statement that returned a TRUE answer and then wrapped the Not() function around it, the answer would now be FALSE. The Not() function simply flips the logic value from TRUE to FALSE or FALSE to TRUE.